Showing 7 Result(s)

Survey for people who use a day service

Norfolk County Council would like toknow what you think about day services. You can do this by completing an onlinesurvey. They have also made an easy-read survey. There is a survey for people who use aday service and a survey for Parents/Carers. The survey will close on theFriday 16th February 2024. Person who uses the …


Hello! We would like to tell you about a new service for people with learning disabilities and/or autism. Norfolk County Council are working with CLICK to deliver this new service. CLICK is a virtual life opportunities provider who offer lots of interactive sessions such as Fitness, Music/Choir, Dancing and many more options. These sessions will …

Learning Disability and Autism workshops

Norfolk County Council and Norfolk & Waveney Integrated Care Board are looking at how they can improve both the Learning Disability and Autism services for adults in Norfolk A team is working closely with an independent partner, Tricordant, who have now finished the first part of the work. They have found good points that have …

Let’s Talk Mental Health survey

In 2019 the Norfolk and Waveney Health and Care Partnership made its plans for Adult Mental Health and Children and Young People’s Mental Health. Since then, we’ve all lived through the Covid pandemic which has led to a significant increase in needs  for mental health support. There are now proposals to bring the NHS closer …

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